Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Беларусь] OR [Subject and Keywords = Беларуская ССР] OR [Subject and Keywords = Гродна] OR [Subject and Keywords = Вуліцы] OR [Subject and Keywords = Архітэктура] OR [Subject and Keywords = Урачыстасці] OR [Subject and Keywords = Жыхары] OR [Subject and Keywords = Горад] OR [Subject and Keywords = 20 ст.] OR [Subject and Keywords = Białoruś] OR [Subject and Keywords = Białoruska SRR] OR [Subject and Keywords = Grodno] OR [Subject and Keywords = ulice] OR [Subject and Keywords = architektura] OR [Subject and Keywords = uroczystości] OR [Subject and Keywords = mieszkańcy] OR [Subject and Keywords = miasto] OR [Subject and Keywords = 20w.] OR [File name = Гродна. Два мужчыны нясуць мех з цукрам.] OR [File name = Grodno. Dwóch mężczyzn niesie worek z cukrem] OR [Creator = Анішчанка, Міхаіл] OR [Creator = Aniszczanka, Michaił]