Search for: [Subject and Keywords = 90 гады] OR [Subject and Keywords = апазіцыя] OR [Subject and Keywords = Дзяды] OR [Subject and Keywords = маніфэстацыі] OR [Subject and Keywords = БНФ] OR [Subject and Keywords = lata 90.] OR [Subject and Keywords = opozycja] OR [Subject and Keywords = Dziady] OR [Subject and Keywords = manifestacje] OR [Subject and Keywords = BNF] OR [File name = Маніфэстацыя на Дзяды. Плошча Якуба Коласа] OR [File name = Manifestacja w Dziady \(Dzień Zaduszny\). Plac Jakuba Kołasa] OR [Creator = Георгі Ліхтаровіч] OR [Creator = Heorhi Lichtarovicz]