
Search for: [Subject and Keywords = 90 гады] OR [Subject and Keywords = апазіцыя] OR [Subject and Keywords = Чарнобыльская катастрофа] OR [Subject and Keywords = маніфэстацыі] OR [Subject and Keywords = БНФ] OR [Subject and Keywords = lata 90.] OR [Subject and Keywords = opozycja] OR [Subject and Keywords = katastrofa w Czarnobylu] OR [Subject and Keywords = manifestacje] OR [Subject and Keywords = BNF] OR [File name = Чарнобыльскі шлях. Кардон міліцыі на праспекце Скарыны] OR [File name = Droga Czarnobylska \(Czarnobylski Szlach\). Aleja Skaryny, kordon milicij] OR [Creator = Георгі Ліхтаровіч] OR [Creator = Heorhi Lichtarovicz]

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